

Here are a few ideas for ways to save energy and money when it’s hot outside!

  • 关上外面的门, windows and blinds or curtains  during the day when you’re out of the house, 尤其是在东边和西边. If safe to do so, open your windows at night or in the morning to let in cooler air.
  • 避免在一天中最热的时候产生热量. 洗衣服,洗洗碗机等等.在天气较凉爽的清晨和傍晚. Use an electric pressure cooker or a slow cooker instead of the oven.
  • Try cooling down with a cold shower rather than cooling the entire house.
  • Consider installing a whole-house fan to draw cooler outdoor air into the house in the evening hours so you can turn off your air conditioner (A/C).
  • 种植落叶树或安装遮阳篷来遮蔽你的家, 尤其是在你房子的南面和西面. 植树前, make sure they won’t interfere with power lines once they grow to their full size. 参考我们的 树木规划指南 了解更多信息.
  • 考虑在经常使用的房间安装吊扇. 流动的空气可以让你感觉温度降低4度. 吊扇对有或没有空调的家庭都很有帮助.
  • Turn off the A/C when you’re going to be gone for an extended period.

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