
不断变化的天然气价格, 电池技术的进步, environmental concerns and federal incentives have increased interest in electric vehicles (EVs). 作为你的电力供应商, hg8868皇冠下载 is prepared for an increased use of EVs and wants to help you make the right vehicle decision for you.

电动汽车有很多好处. 这里只是其中的一些:

  • 燃料储蓄. EVs cost less than half to fuel compared to a gas-powered vehicle.
  • 低至零尾气排放. EVs reduce air pollution and benefits the environment.
  • 更少的维护. EVs have fewer moving parts and fewer fluids (no more oil changes!).
  • 即时加速度. Combined with a quiet ride, EVs are fun to drive.

See how we partner with businesses to help achieve a cleaner energy future by electrifying their fleets.



We’re encouraging EV owners to consider hg8868皇冠下载’s 使用时间定价计划 而不是标准计划. This option could save you money and, 在非高峰时段收费, you’ll help even out demand on the grid.

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