These processes are for generators in Idaho and Oregon.
1. 资格要求
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- Idaho 发电机并网 Request 应用程序 Form
- 现场控制示范
- 30兆瓦以下的发电机:1000美元押金
- Generators over 30 MW: Deposit determined by the FERC Jurisdiction Large 发电机并网 Procedures (LGIP)
3. 可行性研究:30个工作日
包括对系统影响的一般审查, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection.
4. 系统影响研究:30-45个工作日
Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project. This step may not be necessary for some projects, depending on size and location.
- 附表72系统影响研究协议
- 最高1万美元的存款
5. 设施研究:30-45个工作日
Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. 提供了构造选项 to the customer.
- 附录72设施研究协议
- 最高3万美元的定金
6. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
1. 资格要求
除了, the application must meet approval criteria in the 一级, Section 2 (a) – (e) in the 小型发电机互连规则.
- Must use lab-tested, inverter-based interconnection equipment
- 电气铭牌容量25kW或以下
- Must not be interconnected to a transmission line
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- 应用程序 for Small Generator Facility Interconnection 一级 Interconnection
- 现场控制示范
- 100美元的存款
3. 申请审核:15个工作日
- If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the 互联协议
- If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to 层2
4. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
- 互联协议 for Small Generator Facility 一级, 层2, 3级, 或第4层互连
- Small Generator Facility Interconnection Certificate of Completion Form
- 见证试验
1. 资格要求
除了, the application must meet approval criteria in the 层2, Section 2 (a) – (1) in the 小型发电机互连规则.
- Does not qualify for, or failed to meet 一级 eligibility requirements
- 电气铭牌容量为2mw或以下
- Interconnected to a radial distribution circuit or a spot network distribution circuit limited to serving one customer
- Must not be interconnected to a transmission line
- Must use interconnection equipment that is either lab-tested or field-tested
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- 应用程序 for Small Generator Facility Interconnection 层2, 3级, 层4 Interconnection
- 现场控制示范
- 500美元的存款
3. 申请审核:20个工作日
- If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the 互联协议
- If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to 3级
4. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
- 互联协议 for Small Generator Facility 一级, 层2, 3级, 或第4层互连
- Small Generator Facility Interconnection Certificate of Completion Form
- 见证试验
1. 资格要求
除了, the application must meet approval criteria in the 层2 Section 2 (a), (h)及(j), 第3层第3 (a) - (c)条 小型发电机互连规则.
- Does not qualify for, or failed to meet 一级 or 层2 eligibility requirements
- 电气铭牌容量为10mw或以下
- Must not be interconnected to a transmission line
- Must not export power beyond the point of interconnection
- Must use low forward power relays or other protection functions that prevent power flow onto the area network
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- 应用程序 for Small Generator Facility Interconnection 层2, 3级, 层4 Interconnection
- 现场控制示范
- 1000美元的存款
3. 申请审核:20个工作日
- If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the 互联协议.
- If the application is not approved, may submit a new application to 层4
4. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
- 互联协议 for Small Generator Facility 一级, 层2, 3级, 或第4层互连
- Small Generator Facility Interconnection Certificate of Completion Form
- 见证试验
1. 资格要求
除了, the application must meet approval criteria in the 层4 Section 5 (A) and (B) in the 小型发电机互连规则.
- Does not qualify for, or failed to meet 一级, 层2 or 3级 eligibility requirements
- 电气铭牌容量为10mw或以下
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- 应用程序 for Small Generator Facility Interconnection 层2, 3级, 层4 Interconnection
- 现场控制示范
- 1000美元的存款
3. 申请审核:15个工作日
- If the application is approved, the request will proceed to the 互联协议.
- If the application is not approved, proceed to the Feasibility Study.
4. 可行性研究:30个工作日
包括对系统影响的一般审查, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection. 这一步可能不是所有项目都需要的.
5. 系统影响研究:30-45个工作日
Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project. 这一步可能不是所有项目都需要的.
6. 设施研究:30-45个工作日
Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. 提供了构造选项. 这一步可能不是所有项目都需要的.
7. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
1. 资格要求
- Standard Interconnection Procedures and Agreements Adopted for Large Qualifying Facilities (QF-LGIP)
- 大于20mw但等于或小于80mw
2. 应用程序
- 有资格在任何时间提交
- 大型发电机互连应用
- 现场控制示范
- 或$10,000不可退还的场地管理保证金
- 10000美元的存款
3. 可行性研究:45个日历日
包括对系统影响的一般审查, capacity constraints and any potential issues with the customer’s choice of point of interconnection
4. 系统影响研究:90个工作日
Provides a detailed assessment of transmission system adequacy to accommodate the project
- qf系统影响研究协议
- 数据要求类似于 过渡聚类研究提交清单
- 50000美元的存款
- 现场控制示范
- hg8868皇冠下载 may also study report in the FERC Cluster Study in accordance with Section 4.2 . QF-LGIP
5. 设施研究:90-180日历天
Includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. 提供了构造选项 to the customer.
- qf设施研究协议
- 100000美元的存款
6. 互联协议
All projects are subject to technical requirements under the 互联协议s once the project becomes operational.
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